Schäfer Pumps & Hydraulics
Die ideale Lösung für Ihr Unternehmen
We are proud of our almost 100 year experience in the construction of positive displacement pumps at our location Germany, which is characterized by our quality standards and our absolute customer focus. The products are uncompromisingly designed for long term use. To ensure this, we supply our customers and products worldwide with original spare parts for many years.

Pumpen Produkt-Serien
Hochdruck Suspensionspumpen SP
The SPH high pressure and flow mud pumps are eqipped with three pistons, designed for a wide range of drilling fluids operating at pressures up to 450 bar. Its design has proven its reliability in a wide range of water hydraulic fluid applications and under the harshest conditions.
Hochdruckpumpe FR800-140
Die Hochdruckpumpe Typ Fr 800-140 ist eine Neuentwicklung der Triplex-Plunger-Pumpen in liegender Ausführung für Fracking-Anwendungen unter Tage.
Sie ist eine Triplex-Pumpe mit 3 um je 120° versetzten Kurbelzapfen, angetrieben über eine innenliegende Ritzelwelle. Sie ist ausgelegt für Dauerbetrieb unter Volllast.
Hochdruckpumpen HDP
The compact HDP high-pressure quintuplex pumps are equipped with five pistons for low pulsation and an integrated gearbox. Reliable design for the highest demands e.g. hydraulic supports in longwall construction. They are ideal suited for pumping process water in continuous operation at up to over 500 bar.